So after several intros that I never hear back on, and using several people in my network for intros I’m fed up. This has to be easier. I finally got frustrated enough to map out an MVP solving this, this month and then through the power of introductions - found something better.
I sat down during a cruise to mull over my thoughts on the experience so far and to write some comprehensive feedback to the CEO/head of experience for Royal Caribbean (RC).
Little did I know this writing was going to take on a life of its own. It was a 2 week family cruise with a party of 16. We took the Explorer of the Seas. As someone who exercises and travels regularly I have encountered a repeating issue over the last year. I’m going to explore this into products.
Last week, I had a conversation with someone where we clearly had a different understanding of the same term.
That term was “Imposter Syndrome”. After the chat, I found myself obsessing on how annoyed I was. I think this difference in understanding is symptomatic of a greater issue we face. The inaccuracy of the language we share. |
August 2024